How to become a good Winger

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How To Become a Better Winger

How To Become a Good Winger


Wingers play a vital role for any football team of the world. They are often pacey and also contribute in the scoring as well.



A natural winger’s job is a bit complicated of course. A winger is normally involved in crossing, dribbling, creating chances, scoring goals and sometimes defending as well. So it is not easy to become a good winger.


*1v1 Situation   


The key thing for a winger here is to be confident. First 10-15 minutes the winger can test the fullbacks. He can try to puzzle the fullbacks by his speed & moves. Thus the fullbacks can become confused like where to go, whether to go inside or to go outside. If the winger keeps attacking and win the 1v1 battles then the fullback will be under pressure & that’s the main idea here. Winning 6 or more battles out of 10 against the fullback will be great for the winger. And thus the defender will be under huge pressure & lose confidence. After that every time he attacks he can smoothly beat the fullback.





1.      On The Ball Movement     


When he gets the ball he should diagonaly run towards the corner of the d box. The defenders while backing up will be in two minds whether the winger will go down the corner flag or cut inside the d box and link up with the strikers. The situation will be pretty tough for the defender without any kind of doubt. And the winger has to take this chance. He should give the defender as less time as possible because when time is shorter the possibility of making a mistake is higher. So the winger should be direct & give the defender as less time as possible.


2.     Off The Ball Movement


This is where the intelligence can play a big part. So the winger has to create more space between him and the fullback. For example most of the wingers use double movements. The first movement is a fake one & it makes the defender thinking that’s what the winger gonna do. And the second movement is what you gonna do really. And therefore your teamamtes will find you.


Another two key tricks are there for the movement. First one is to come in short to receive the ball as fake and then move behind quickly where the space has been created. Or the winger can do the opposite one like going in behind first as fake and then come back in short to receive the ball easily. The second one is in-to-out & out-to-in. So here the winger can drag his fullback wide and try to take him closer to the  line & thus create a gap between the centre back & the fullback. If the fullback is lazy he will fail to get back which will create an oppurtunity for the winger to run between the centre back & the fullback and potentially get a brilliant move. And the opposite of this can be beneficial as well. The winger can move towrds the centre and then the fullback will follow him and get closer to the centre back which will create space on the back. So it will be easier for the winger to get back and run down the wing and get a cross into the box.    


*Tactical Possition


It is a very important part for a winger. The idea is to understand where to be when he has the possession and when he doesn’t have the possession.


Starting off with when his team have the possession, he has to make sure a nice wide pitch. He should try to make the pitch as big as possible when the team is keeping the ball and playing the possessional football. He also have to make space from the opposition who is running around. For example when the opposite winger has the ball then the winger should not be out wide hugging the touchline. He should tackle a bit more and try to help his defenders. He can stand around the centre circle as it will be easier for the defenders and also if the break is on there will lot more space ahead for attacking as well.



When his team don’t have the possession, it is important to make sure that he as a winger tucks in. He has to make himself compact as a shape in terms of the team and the unit he creates. No need to be nice & wide anymore just make sure that he is around the centre circle. He should communicate with his fullbacks, central mids & centre forwards also. When the opposite winger has the ball far down then he should be not so far from the kick off line.





In terms of crossing he has to make sure that he has a variety of crosses in his locker. Driven low crosses, mid range crosses, high crosses and sometimes crosses from deep also has to be mastered by him.





In terms of finishing when the attack is on the winger should cover the back post. If the striker or the other side winger miss it he can score from the rebound. When he is attacking he should try to make sure he is on target as more as possible. He shuold at least work the goalkeeper which can lead to corner sometimes. Finally he has to be linked up with his strikers and wingers. It is important to maintain a good relation with them so that he & the srtikers get goals & assists.            





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