How to become a good Fullback 2022

IA Choton
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Becoming a fullback is a really hard task. A fullback not only helps his team in defense but also contributes in attack. So his job is pretty important on a game.



*The Golden Rule


When your team have the ball you should be always out wide staying on the wing. When your team is attacking you should try to overlap always. It will be supportive for your teammates and your wingers also. Thus you can join the attack & help your teammates to complete the attack nicely. You can get some crosses in for your strikers in box also. But when your team doesn’t have the ball you don’t need to stay on the wing anymore. You should tuck in & stand around the box. You should look where the Centre backs are and always on your toos to stop the attack from the opposition.



*Defending 1v1


This is the most important part for you. In this case you don’t need to just come and tackle the attacker. You should always stay with & try to push him wide. If you can do it nicely it will be harder for the attacker as he won’t get enough space & that’s the trick here. The more you push the attacker wide the more he will get in trouble. If he gets in short of space you can just tackle the ball out of play anytime, it would be much easier & beneficial.



*Attack like a Madman


When your team have the ball make sure that you are attacking in full flow. Don’t need to stay in the back anymore. Just get wide outside & get forward always. Try to cheat the wingers every time. Get on the ball & get forward with speed. Try to help the winger as much as you can & get some crosses into the box. Team becomes much more beneficial when a pacey fullback joins the attack properly.



*Communicate Properly


You always should be in touch with your teammates properly. Always maintain good communication with the wingers and the Centre backs specially. When to push, when to get forward, when to tuck in and so on. If you communicate properly than the team would be nicely balanced. You will also be able to balance between your defensive & attacking duties. Always be on your top and help out your team in defense and in attack as well.    

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